Arrival ⋅ How to find us good

You can gain a geographical overview of the area around our company headquarters in Heitersheim using the interactive map that is embedded above.

Heitersheim can be easily reached by car via two major regional motorways, the A5 Autobahn and the B3 Bundesstraße. From the „A5 exit Heitersheim“, your journey to us will take 10 minutes and from the B3 exit, you can reach our company in 3 minutes.

Our company premises are located directly adjacent to the „Bahnhof Heitersheim“ train station, making it easy to travel by train and orientating on the local traffic signs. After leaving the station, please follow the „Merveldtstraße“ street for around 100 metres to reach your destination. Welcome to WILD Connect.


Our address for routing

Did you know that we can trace back which employee has worked on the production of a specific cable for 10 years?